
Media-Provider allows you to set a few preferences, these can be done via the Preferences tab in settings. Currently, the following are available.

Subscription download time

At which hour to start downloading subscriptions, this may be UTC time, depending on your environment.

Empty subscription download notifications

Subscriptions add a notification when finished, so you can view what has been download during the night (or day depending on the previous setting). By default, Media-Provider will not add one if nothing was downlaoded if this has been enabled; a notification will always be added

Dynasty Tag => Genre

Dynasty has no distinction between Tags and Genres, you may configure some tags (by id or displayed name) to be used as a genre in the generated ComicInfo.xml. These tags will not be used elsewhere. Does not overwrite the blacklist

Blacklist tags

Tags configured in this list will not be added as Genre or Tag. Check the table below for which values you can provide

Provider Mapping
Mangadex Checks ID and the used language
Dynasty Checks ID and displayed name
WebToon Does not respect the blacklist at this moment